Fatherhood Adventures
Expert advice about surviving parenting and raising better kids by nurturing a love of the outdoors.
How To Teach Entrepreneurship to Children
Some of you may be wondering why even start the conversation about kid entrepreneurship with primary school-aged children. Doesn’t the common belief tell us that the focus of formative years is on building…
Best Websites For Dads
Before we jump into the discussion of the best websites for dads, let’s look at an important discovery. Almost half a century of research about fatherhood has resulted in a shocking conclusion. Dads…
Does Self Hypnosis Work? Can It Help You? Yes And Yes.
Does self hypnosis work? Can it really calm nerves, reduce blood pressure, and control addictions? Or is it just a parlor trick used to entertain crowds? Most people think of popular showmen like…
Read More Does Self Hypnosis Work? Can It Help You? Yes And Yes.
5 Easy, Healthy Breakfasts For Kids They’ll Actually Eat
Looking for easy, healthy breakfasts for kids they’ll actually eat? Look no further! But first, there are two kinds of parents: Soon-to-be parents who say they’re only going to let their kids eat…
Read More 5 Easy, Healthy Breakfasts For Kids They’ll Actually Eat
Wild Child | A Daughter’s First Flyfishing Trip
We met on a river. Coldwater. Clear. A river of trout and the promise of a day. Her mom went into the hardware store and left me to watch the wild child, a…
How To Raise Kids To Love The Outdoors
Curious about how to raise kids to love the outdoors? Read Dylan Tomine’s book Closer to the Ground and get ready to be inspired. Raising your kids to love the outdoors is often…
Is Running Good For Kids?
Is running good for kids? Half of you are thinking, “Is this a trick question? F*** yeah running is good for my kids—it tires them out and they actually fall asleep at a…
Mindfulness For Kids. It’s Not Boring. Really.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock (or out in the woods on a decades-long Wilderdad adventure), you’ve probably heard that mindfulness is a thing. A big thing. It’s a big thing for…
How Fatherhood Changed These 5 Pro Snowboarder Dads
The snow is starting to fall and snowboarder dads all over the country are dusting off their boards and packing up the kids for some winter family fun. Learn how fatherhood changed these…
Read More How Fatherhood Changed These 5 Pro Snowboarder Dads
Raising Kids on a Homestead is Easier Than You Think
Many people started homesteading because they had a desire to grow food without chemicals and raise livestock in a humane way. In the process, this way of life gives families many unforeseen benefits…
Read More Raising Kids on a Homestead is Easier Than You Think
Parenting in a Pandemic. How to Break Past the Wall.
2020 was a hard year that got harder with every passing week. If dads and moms thought parenting was tough before, we quickly learned that parenting in a pandemic was infinitely harder. Before…
Read More Parenting in a Pandemic. How to Break Past the Wall.
The Ultimate Guide to Design a Fun, Functional Kids Home Playroom
You can’t always get outside for some family play time. Sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate. And sometimes you just don’t want to deal with packing up a bunch of stuff, right?! Enter the…
Read More The Ultimate Guide to Design a Fun, Functional Kids Home Playroom
Risky Play for Kids: Why They Need It Now More Than Ever
Plus, 5 risky play activities your kids will love! Ever heard of risky play for kids? You’re not alone if you haven’t. It means a lot of things to a lot of parents,…
Read More Risky Play for Kids: Why They Need It Now More Than Ever
Dad Podcast Interview: Fatherhood & The Origin Of Wilderdad
Last week, I got interviewed by the guys behind the dad podcast Wake. Dad. Drink. Repeat. That’s Mike Smith and Anthony Palmer, both dads, both very funny, and both doing very good work…
Read More Dad Podcast Interview: Fatherhood & The Origin Of Wilderdad
The Day I Became A Dad
The air smells briny. Low tide makes it even swampier. It’s August and the evening’s hot sun still feels harsh on my skin. It was a long day at work. Counted the minutes…
6 Best (Worst?) Ways To Pull Your Kid’s Teeth
Losing teeth as a kid is a major right of passage. Every time you pull a kid’s tooth is a tangible milestone they are officially becoming big kids. And while each lost tooth…
Are We Having Fun Yet?
It’s a valid question. Are we having fun yet? The line between having fun and being done often gets blurred when you’re having a family adventure. Parents are as likely as kids to…
What Title IX Means For My Daughter And Sports
As my 7-year-old daughter gets more interested in school sports and outdoor activities, Title IX, which had its 45th anniversary last month, is an increasingly personal and powerful piece of legislature for me.…
Why This Outdoor Dad Is Raising An Adventurous Girl
It’s more important than ever to be raising an adventurous girl, and here’s why. The most meaningful and formative moments in my life have been spent outdoors. I grew up having outdoor adventures…
Read More Why This Outdoor Dad Is Raising An Adventurous Girl
The Day Moms Were Nearly Tasked With Saving The World
All you dads out there remember this one gem of a thought on Mother’s Day. Without Moms you wouldn’t be a dad. You wouldn’t be, period. Obvious, yes, but it’s worth putting credit…
Read More The Day Moms Were Nearly Tasked With Saving The World
Adventures in Fatherhood (And Boy, Is It An Adventure)
No dad in history had any idea how to be a father the first time. Sure, there are some dads who are naturally better at it than others. But even those guys were just winging it when their first kid popped out. The only thing that truly prepares us for fatherhood is experience. And we earn every ounce of it with every diaper changed, every tear soothed, and every boo boo bandaged. Lucky for you, you’ve also got Wilderdad in your corner.
Major Parenting Mojo
Wilderdad has built a community of dads, moms, and parenting experts around the world to bring you all kinds of expert knowledge. That’s why you’ll find inspiring stories and proven advice to guide you through the rollercoaster of parenting here. Check out these examples:
Learn how to raise kids who love the outdoors from author Dylan Tomine. Get ideas for easy, healthy breakfasts kids will actually eat. Find out if running is actually good for kids. Plus, get tips for how to teach kids mindfulness, an easy form of meditation.
Mental Health Checkup
And while there’s a ton of information here about keeping your kids alive (and hopefully thriving), you’ll also find info to keep your sanity. First up, check out the article Parenting in a Pandemic. Okay, maybe the pandemic is over…sort of. There are still some golden nuggets in there you need to read. And be sure to read the story by a registered hypnotherapist and former Buddhist monk about how self-hypnosis can heal many emotional wounds.
Finally, you can’t leave without reading Tom Reed’s beautiful story about teaching his daughter to fish. Break out the tissues. You’ll need ’em.